557 E Waterman Street Marietta, Georgia 30060 770 330-6784 azalea-manor.com Mark Watkins Michelle Watkins

 "Old" Marietta Courthouse
 Kennesaw Mountain
 Fountain in Marietta Square
 Marietta's Big Chicken
Azalea Manor Services Azalea Manor Residents are provided assisted living with personal care and assistance from a team of long-term, reliable staff members who are friendly and compassionate. Our Trained and Experienced Team knows the likes and needs of each resident. We provide the very best in elderly, senior care and personal attention.
Elderly people, whose bodies have undergone age-related changes, need proper nutrition and a certain daily routine. Nursing homes pay special attention to these aspects. Both nursing homes for the elderly for retirement and private facilities have their own daily routines.
Why a daily routine is necessary in a nursing home:
A clear daily routine is necessary when performing medical procedures and taking medications;
A day with regular meals, walks, sports and relaxation hours will help the elderly person to organize their biorhythms, and thus their general well-being and psychological well-being;
A daily routine is especially necessary for people with memory disorders (dementias), which has a positive effect on their rehabilitation.
The day of boarding house residents for the elderly should be designed so that it corresponds to their physical abilities and biorhythms. An elderly person should have time for proper rest, walks in the fresh air and leisure activities. All this is competently combined with therapeutic procedures and meals. Our boarding house residents have such a well-thought-out daily routine
What leisure activities can be offered to pensioners in the boarding house?
For an elderly person who lives in a home for the elderly, it is important not only a comfortable accommodation that meets the sanitary requirements, good food and adequate medical care. Everyone wants to spend their free time in an interesting way. Seniors need leisure time to socialize, to feel needed, to exercise their cognitive abilities, and to prolong their active longevity.
The daily routine of a specialized nursing home includes every hour. A variety of entertainment is available in nursing homes, especially the private type. Leisure time in such facilities is not just reduced to watching TV or reading books. Often hobby clubs are organized, and concerts are prepared for various holidays. We are experienced in caring for residents with dementia and mild Alzheimer's symptoms. Residents are Assisted With
24 Hour Staff Supervision and Assistance
3 Meals Daily plus Snacks and Special Orders
Handrails in Hallways
Emergency Call System in Resident Rooms
Wheelchair Accessible Rooms, Baths & Entry
Fully Furnished, Carpeted, Private and Semi-Private Rooms with Baths
TV, VCR, Stereo Entertainment Areas
Piano for Planned Activities or For Use by the Residents
Smoke Detectors and Fire Sprinkler System
Beautician and Barber Services
Cable TV
Telephone Connections in all Rooms
Pet Therapy, Regular Religious Services, and Other Activities
Much More
Azalea Manor Residents are provided many services from outside agencies including
On-Call Pharmacist On-Call Registered Nurse
In-House Physician Visits
In-House Therapists
Home Health Services Mobile Doctors' Association Psychiatric Counseling
These involve medication evaluations, on-site rehabilitation therapies, on-site medical and nursing care, and more. (click on a link above for more information)
Our Services
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azalea-manor.com 557 E Waterman Street Marietta, Georgia 30060 770 330-6784 Cobb County Georgia