557 E Waterman Street Marietta, Georgia 30060 770 330-6784 azalea-manor.com Mark Watkins Michelle Watkins

 "Old" Marietta Courthouse
 Kennesaw Mountain
 Fountain in Marietta Square
 Marietta's Big Chicken
Contact Azalea Manor Assisted Living Feel free to contact Mark Watkins (Owner/Administrator). He is available at any time to discuss your elderly care needs or situation.
Our main goal at our senior boarding house is to make our senior residents feel healthy and have fun.
We work hard to ensure that our "wise" age clients receive personal care, attention and the utmost care from our professional staff.
We are happy to discuss fees, availability, or to set up a personal tour. (Please scroll to bottom of page for some fun pictures.)
(770) 428-0331
(770) 330-6784
Postal Address
557 East Waterman Street Marietta, Georgia 30060
Electronic Mail
Mark Watkins azaleamanor1
Just for Fun

Jen and Janet after Bingo
Mike with his RC Jet

Pop, clowning around in his Fez and windshield-wiper sunglasses
Sarah and Billie in their Halloween Costumes